![]() The Difference Is Night And Day by Jason Cruise If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, And the light around me will be night," Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You. - Psalm 139:11-12 There are different kinds of dark. There's the dark that you experience when in a major city, where the ambient light doesn't allow you to see the night sky. There's the darkness that is half-lit from security lights when you are trying to sleep in a hotel room. Then there's an all-consuming darkness, one that wraps around you like a soul blanket, when you literally cannot see anything, because you are in a remote area, like, for instance, the Arctic Circle. No distant lights from a house a few miles away, no cell tower blinking on a ridge in the distance. It's hard to find that kind of darkness, but when you find yourself in it, you find yourself consumed by it. There's a vulnerability that is unmistakable inside the heart, regardless of how much of a man you think may be. Maybe that's what David was getting at when he said there are times when a situation can seem so dark that is "overwhelms" the soul, the mind, and even the body. Yet, there was something David knew about the Creator; an ambient truth of its own that had just enough glow to bring hope to the eyes of the heart: darkness never overwhelms God, for He created it. Darkness cannot hide His glory, nor does it squelch His glorious ability to illuminate a path to follow even in the darkest of nights. Darkness isn't dark to Him at all. Light is no brighter to Him than the dark of darkness. They are one and the same. You can trust the fact that what is true about God's grace, God's mercy, and God's sovereign ability to provide for you, regardless of the situation, is just as true in the dark as it is in the light, for His ability to see clearly is not bound to the process of illumination.
Jason CruiseJason Cruise is the founder of Mission. Mission was created to "vindicate the fatherless" in a country known as Moldova. To learn more go to www.themissionvision.net Jason is a well known speaker traveling across the country sharing his love for Christ at wildgame dinners and conferences. Jason has created many valuable resources for the outdoorsmen to take them deeper into their walk with their Creator. These items include DVD's, Bibles, and Bible studies. Archives
July 2014
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