![]() The Man Minute "Sixty second investments in Christ-like manhood". The Long Knocker by Jason Cruise It was his moniker, a name he appointed to himself in humor and humility because he normally was fifty yards behind any golfer in his foursome when it came to tee shots. Mr. Welch may not have held the ability to compress the golf ball as strongly as others in his crew, but there was one area, one trait in his character, where no man was his equal. From his lips came nothing but encouraging words. Very intentional, precise, encouraging words. As a young golfer, I spent an incredible amount of time on the range. So did Mr. Welch. We became pals. His instant smile was contagious. No matter how I was hitting the ball, no matter what my most recent tournament score revealed about the status of my game, Mr. Welch would tell me, with intense specificity, of how he thought I was playing the game so very well. There were times I knew that he knew I wasn't playing well at all. It didn't matter. All I knew was that Bobby Welch was for me. No matter what. His words of strong encouragement were, at times, injections of life placed perfectly into my heart. Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. - Proverbs 16:24
![]() Bill Gates' Money by Jason Cruise I do not have the kind of money Bill Gates' has, and I'm not even sure I'd want it. Seriously. That's a massive level of responsibility and stress. I have, however, dreamed many times about what I'd do if I did have Bill Gates money. I know I would first set it up where my boys and my wife would obviously be set for life. Then I'd do the same for my parents and Michelle's parents. The same is true for the rest of my family. That's where it always stops for me, that is, what would I do after that? I now know. A few weeks ago I went on a mission trip to Moldova, a poverty-stricken country formerly a part of the Soviet Union, to work with orphans through a ministry called Justice and Mercy International (JMI). JMI is absolutely the most hands-on global justice ministry I've ever seen. It's a fact that 70% of the boys who are orphans, once kicked out of the orphanage at age 15, end up arrested for survival crimes. It's a fact that 70% of the girls who are orphans, once kicked out of the orphanage at age 15, are trafficked into the sex slave trade. So, if I had Bill Gates' money I'd work with JMI to help fulfill their vision of building even more transition homes than they already have to help kids once they are put out on the street. I don't have Bill Gates' money, but my wife, Michelle, and I do have $35 a month, to sponsor a child. Through JMI, I can literally go back to Moldova, hug a child's neck, touch the clothes I've put on their body, and see the hope in their eyes from knowing that somebody in America loves them. Knows them. Writes to them. Comes back to see them. So instead of eating out 8 times a month, we're eating out 7 times instead, so that our $35, instead of going to Logan's Roadhouse, will go to Mihaela ... English for Michelle :) www.jasoncruisespeaks.com and www.outdoorministrynetwork.com ![]() The Man Minute "Sixty second investments in Christ-like manhood" SMARTPHONES. How did we even live before the cell phone? Actually, we got along just fine! You've got to admit, you know you love the convenience. My choice is an iPhone, clad in a Realtree APG case, so that all the world may know I AM HUNTER. Smartphones are amazing, especially when trying to partner with your oldest son as together you create a manipulative scheme to get him a foul ball. On this given night at the ballpark, it had been raining for hours. I told Cole that there was a small chance the rain would stop just in time for the first inning, and yet, in doing so, cause everyone to assume it was going to rain out the game, thus leaving the ball park virtually empty. Brothers of the Man Minute, I testify to you that this is exactly what happened. The Triple-A affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers is the Nashville Sounds, and they were playing the Omaha Storm. A fitting team on a rainy night. The ballpark was all but ours. Because we were sitting by the first base dugout, we created a plan. Using our iPhonic resources, we searched the web and found the Omaha website, seeking to uncover the first baseman's name. Every other kid was, in total amateur fashion, yelling for a "ball." The idea was that Cole would make it personal and scream the player's name as he ran to the dugout. Now this concept of personalizing a request would be expected and even routine at a Major League Game where players are well known. This was a minor league game, however, we were going to play it on the Major League level because that's how the Cruise boys roll. We discovered quickly that Omaha's first baseman was a softy, for he continually gave baseball after baseball to little girls. This diamond baller was proving to be quite the adversary. Then something happened. Unbeknownst to me, a spiritual collusion had been brewing. An unseen force had permeated the crowd, but no one person was talking about it. It had, up to this point, remained dormant, waiting for the timing of, no doubt, the Holy Spirit. In the sixth inning, Cole went down to the dugout, once again, to hold up his arms, his little baseball glove in hand, and shout the first baseman's name as he trotted toward the dugout. This time, however, when Cole opened his jaws to shout his name, the entire first base side of Sounds fans started shouting in unison "CLINT, CLINT, CLINT!" as they pointed to Cole. Cole opened up his mouth, but 60 voices filled the airwaves, making his voice thunder like one of the apocalyptic four horsemen. So much so that Clint, who had his eyes on yet another blond-headed dress wearer, turned to see the clamor, only to be staring straight into the eyes of a little boy with his glove held high. When the ball rolled across the dugout, my son swallowed it up like a vacuum cleaner on jet fuel. The entire first base side went nuts. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4 "Blessed are they that shout, for they shall be heard." 1 Jason 3:1 www.jasoncruisespeaks.com and www.outdoorministrynetwork.com ![]() The Man Minute "Sixty Second Investments in Christ-like Manhood" We've all got our last nerve. That raw place where people don't know how sensitive you are to something until they step on it. In that moment it's immediately apparent to everyone that your last nerve was just stomped upon! I try not to have many places in my heart where a last nerve resides bare and unattended. Even still, I'd be lying if I said there were no spots in my life where I can go from 0 to 60 in the tachometer of angry. One such place is when I must put up with a person who has proven, over and over again, that they have embraced a bad attitude as their choice for living. I realize that every one of us will have seasons, actually more than once if we live long enough, where our attitude is broken down like an old truck on the side of the road. Here's the issue. Life can and will bring all kinds of stuff my way which can quickly attack my attitude. The problem is, attitude affects everything. Attitude is the game changer, fellas, but it changes the game only in how I decide I want it changed; that is, a win or loss is put in the stat column based on what kind of game I want to play. When Jesus changes a heart, He infects the whole person. His cosmic grace, power, strength, and joy soaks through the DNA with no strand uncovered. My attitude is my witness to a lost and dying world that my joy, my hope, and my grace for living out each and every situation is not up for sale to the highest bidder of circumstance. "... be transformed by the renewing of your mind ..." Romans 12:2 www.jasoncruisespeaks.com and www.outdoorministrynetwork.com |
Jason CruiseJason Cruise is the founder of Mission. Mission was created to "vindicate the fatherless" in a country known as Moldova. To learn more go to www.themissionvision.net Jason is a well known speaker traveling across the country sharing his love for Christ at wildgame dinners and conferences. Jason has created many valuable resources for the outdoorsmen to take them deeper into their walk with their Creator. These items include DVD's, Bibles, and Bible studies. Archives
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