The Man Minute sixty second investments in Christ-like manhood
I've never done this before with The Man Minute, but as the worn cliche says, there's a first time for everything. I have this little devotional that has within it excerpts from Spurgeon. I've read it over and over again through the years. This particular excerpt has carried me in more ways that I could have imagined since the first time I read it: God will not go forth with that man who marches in his own strength. Those who serve God must serve Him in His own way and in His strength, or He will never accept their service. That which man does unaided by divine strength God can never own. God will empty out all that you have before He will put His own into you. The river of God is full of water, but not one drop of it flows from earthly springs. God will have no strength used in His battles but the strength that He Himself imparts. For My power is made perfect in weakness ... 2 Corinthians 12:9 and
The Man Minute "sixty second investments in Christ-like manhood
A few fall seasons ago I was chasing what Indians called the "ghost of the timber." This elusive creature has other formal names, such as Wapiti, a name given from the Shawnee, meaning "white rump." This mighty ghost has held true to its name, for "elk" have proven to be a formidable opponent for me thus far in my high country journeys. I wanted to get high into the timber on this particular November morning, so I left the cabin at 2:30 am. The walk would take three hours in the snow. The moon was perfectly full. The sky was completely clear. I'm telling you friend, it was pure worship for me. There I was on the west slope of the Continental Divide. Clean, cold air. Moonlight travel at 10,000 feet. All but inches kept me from touching the face of God. I stopped for some water, and as I reached into my pack, I happened to look up. Miles and miles away, on another range of the mountain chain, I saw another journeyman. It was about 3:30 by this time. He was on his way up his own set of timber, and he was using a modern day horse ... the ATV. Though miles away, I could see his headlights. Two thoughts occurred to me. The first flash that went through my tired mind was, "I bet elk love those things. They can see you coming for miles brother!" The second thought that stirred my mind was, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." Stop and study for a second. Miles and miles away, I could see the light. There was no way not to see the light. I would have literally had to close my eyes intentionally in order to deny that the light was present, and even then, the light would be on my mind. The light was piercing the black night, because that's what light does. In the midst of the Colorado darkness, the light put me in a position where it must be dealt with entirely. Jesus had a best friend. His name was John. Read his gospel, and you'll see that he saw prisms of Jesus' life that could only be seen from close, yes, very close, proximity. So what does it say about the heart of a man ... what does it say about the heart of humanity, when light pierces the darkness, but the darkness doesn't even know what it is? It tells me that the heart of man is so completely saturated with darkness that light doesn't even make sense; to the point that it cannot be comprehended or even recognized. Which is why men need a Savior, and a Holy Spirit, to escort that power to humanity, for without a Heavenly conduit, light would otherwise be overlooked ... even in the darkest night. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. - John 1:5 and The Man Minute "sixty second investments in Christ-like manhood" Do "signs" lead you to act in faith, or does faith move first, then you'll see the signs? Most often we pray for God to give us a sign, but that's pretty much the reversal of what you'll find in Biblical faith walking. Just one example: God's people are at the edge of the current at the Jordan River (Joshua 3). They can hear the water as it moves over the rocks. They see the eddy currents swirl in places where the water is deeper. The people are not commanded to stand and wait until the waters part before they cross. In fact, the Word tells us that "When those who carried the ark came into the Jordan, and the feet of the priests carrying the ark were dipped in the edge of the water, (it was then) that the waters which were flowing down from above stood and rose up in one heap ... and the priests ... stood on firm ground in the middle of the Jordan." It wasn't until they started getting wet did the waters part, which means that every person had to commit to walking into water with full anticipation that the waters would part at any given moment. Often in life you are thrust into situations where you simply have no idea what to do next. So, then, at that moment, what do you do? You do the only thing you know to do with the information you have at the time. When God places a burden on your heart, when God speaks to an area of your life in which He's calling you to go deeper and further still, more often than not that's all you're going to get from Him. A voice of leading, calling you onward. God doesn't grant anybody a panoramic view of life. He does that for your own best interests. There's no faith in that. You cannot mature with panoramic views. You can only grow when you glance down only to find that your boots are wet. and The Man Minute sixty second investments in Christ-like manhood
I've got something really cool to announce, but I can't announce it just yet. It's coming in about 30 days, and if you're a man, you're going to love it. I will tell you this much ... it's a website. The funny thing is, I've learned something about human nature in the creation phase of this thing that is really, really neat to watch. There are many people who will be involved in this site over time ... you'll understand that when you see it. Each of these men are contributing in all sorts of different ways to this site's general construction, yet they can see one another's work as the work itself unfolds in real time. Here's what I love: I keep hearing pretty much the same thing from each of these men. The conversation normally goes like, "Man, I'm telling you what, I've got to get on my game. People are putting up some high caliber work on this thing." John F. Kennedy once said, "A rising tide floats every boat." If you want to see excellence in the people you lead, or in those closest to you, then you must pursue excellence yourself. When you raise the level of your game, you can rest assured your level of passion will overflow in the lives of those around, and the tide will rise naturally. and The Man Minute sixty second investments in Christ-like manhood The Man Minute August 2. 2010
Thirteen years ago today, before God and man, I made a covenant promise to my wife, Michelle, that I'd love her and her only until death do us part. Marriage is not easy. In fact, to be completely candid with you, it's hardest thing I've ever done. Marriage is tough ... if you do it right. Any marriage can be easy if you simply co-exist and do not care about one another. True love doesn't live that way. Love is not an emotion. Love is a choice. Love is a promise kept, and only through kept promises do you find the anointing of God, for God never graces a fantasy. He only gives grace to that which is reality. In His grace, we have stayed together, and by staying together, we love one another far better than we did thirteen years ago. And it's beautiful. I will keep my promise, and so will she. "What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." - Jesus - Mark 10:8 and |
Jason CruiseJason Cruise is the founder of Mission. Mission was created to "vindicate the fatherless" in a country known as Moldova. To learn more go to Jason is a well known speaker traveling across the country sharing his love for Christ at wildgame dinners and conferences. Jason has created many valuable resources for the outdoorsmen to take them deeper into their walk with their Creator. These items include DVD's, Bibles, and Bible studies. Archives
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