Act Like Men
A multi-part series covering Biblical Manhood. This series leads up to Father's Day 2012
Part 1- Act Like MenAct Like Men was the message the Apostle Paul communicated to the church in Corinth in I Corinthians 16:13. In this message Pastory Anthony teaches on the topic of Biblical manhood and also looks to the David's mighty men of the Old Testament for examples.
Part 3- H.E.A.R.T"Act Like Men" part 3 is another fantastic and compelling sermon by Pastor Anthony given on Father's Day 2012. In this message Pastor Anthony uses the acronym H.E.A.R.T. in order communicate what should be the Heart of every father.
Part 2- Three Things Every Man Needs, but Few Men HaveIn this message Pastor Anthony will look at three key areas that every man should have in their lives, but few do. He will also spend time looking at several key partnerships in the Bible that help us understand that men do need other Godly men in their lives.
Part 4- HusbandsAct Like Men part 4 is specifically directed to husbands. Pastor Anthony walks us through Paul's teaching in Ephesians 5:22-33. In this message men learn about the Biblical instruction to Sacrifice, Sanctify, and Serve our wives.