Paul Walerczak and Family

Paul Walerczak also known as "Pastor Paul" is the founder of Without Excuse Ministries. Paul simply has a vision to connect the heart of the outdoorsmen with the heart of God using Romans 1:20 as a foundation for all Without Excuse Ministries accomplishes. Paul is currently the Senior Minister at Hillview Christian Church located in Marengo, IN. In January of 2010 Paul began feeling the Lord speak directly to him about the ministry efforts that were started in 2009 at with outdoor host and writer Bill Winke. The culmination of much prayer and study of scripture has led to the creation of Without Excuse Ministries. Paul and his amazing wife Lisa have been married for 25 years and live in Southern Indiana with their 8 children. Paul and his family love the outdoor lifestyle and enjoying all that God's creation has to offer them. Several of Paul's children are also becoming skilled photographers and videographers as they help with the efforts at Without Excuse Ministries. Above all Paul and his family welcome the opportunity to share their love for Jesus "Without Excuse".
Brad and Carol Herndon

Brad and Carol Herndon have been making their living for over twenty years in the hunting industry. They specialize in deer and turkey hunting, both with their photography and writing. They love to spend time outdoors where they feel close to God, whether it's chasing a magnum buck, fishing, or simply picking blackberries for the next cobbler Miss Carol will make. The Herndon's live in a cozy log cabin nestled in the hills of southern Indiana. Many of the images you will see through the Without Excuse Ministries Website have been photographed by the Herndons. You may also recognize Brad as the author of one on the most complete books on how to hunt using topography "Mapping Trophy Bucks".
Anthony Moore

Anthony is the husband of Robin and the dad to Millie, Eliza, Addie, Josiah and Clara. Anthony is the Pastor at Dogwood Community Church and is the Owner of Moores Taxidermy, both of which are located in Paoli, Indiana. Anthony's passions include spending time with his family, preaching the Good News, bow hunting whitetails, eating at any Cracker Barrel anywhere, anytime, and is absolutely eaten up with chasing turkeys. Anthony's testimony is found in the old song " I owe it all to him". A line in that song says " Jesus saved me and He changed me and a new life He gave me and I owe it all to Him ".
Anthony preaches on a weekly basis "Without Excuse". To hear some of these great messages please click on the following link MOMENT OF TRUTH.
Anthony preaches on a weekly basis "Without Excuse". To hear some of these great messages please click on the following link MOMENT OF TRUTH.
Scott Robertson

Scott Robertson is a husband, father of three teenage daughters, Administrator at Full Gospel Temple in Eaton, OH and the owner of Mastins Deer Scents. It is his desire to see the success of Mastins Deer Scents help further the Kingdom of God through ministries like ours. Hunting and filming with his daughters and fellow pro staff member Mark Moore has really helped advance the goals Without Excuse Ministries forward. Scott has recently committed to helping us produce our devotional series for the 2014 season.
Don Hicks-Praying Pro-Staff Member

At Without Excuse Ministries prayer is a vital and necessary part of everything we do. Jeremiah 33:3 says "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know". On a regular basis we receive prayer request from our viewers in reference to various needs and we take each request seriously. Don Hicks is the lead Praying Pro-Staff member for Without Excuse Ministries. Don is a full time pastor, the author of Real Moments of Truth, and the National Prayer Director for COFA (Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America. If you would like to submit a prayer request for Don Hicks please click HERE to be directed to our secure online prayer form.
Brodie Swisher

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller having won the NRA’S Great American Game Calling Challenge World Championship, known as the SuperBowl of game calling contests. His hunting and game calling seminars and exciting hunting adventure video presentations have been featured at events across the country including: wild game dinners, outdoor expos, conferences, sportsmen’s banquets, camps, clinics, schools, and church services. Brodie is also an outdoor writer with articles appearing in magazine and internet columns across the country. His annual roadtrips take him throughout the country filming hunts for a number of outdoor video productions. Brodie’s hunts have appeared on Jay Gregory’s Wild Outdoors TV show on the Outdoor Channel, Double Bull Outdoors TV show, Primos Double Bull's Year on the Ground video series, and his own, Reality Bowhunting TV. From time to time we will post some of Brodie's amazing bow hunts from his Reality Bowhunting TV site. Brodie's sponsor not in any way affiliated with Without Excuse Ministries as we are not a sponsored website at this time. Above all things he is a believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He brings that message to you "Without Excuse".
Steve Chapman

With over thirty–five years of experience as an avid hunter and over a dozen books written about his love for the great outdoors, Steve offers a unique presentation to men. Along with music and videos, Steve uses his well crafted gift of telling stories from real life adventures that are sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, but are always filled with life–changing insight. Steve has been a tremdous blessing to Paul as he has allowed Paul to use his music in the creation of various devotional videos here at Without Excuse Ministries. To book Steve for any event, contact his agent through his website:
Jason Cruise

Jason Cruise is the founder of Outdoor Ministry Network (OMN). OMN is well known for providing quality ministry resources to churches in order to equip them for outdoor ministry. Jason has an unbelievable passion and talent to share the gospel by using the great outdoors. Jason is an accomplished speaker traveling across the country sharing the gospel at wildgame dinners and conferences. There are two shows hosted by Jason on Direct TV titled "Things Men Do TV" and "Me and Dad TV". Jason contributes a regulary featured devotional here at Without Excuse Ministries called "The Man Minute". Check out Jason's latest venture which is radically impacting children's lives in the small country of Maldova. You can visit Mission at
Derek Fisher

Having grown up the son of a Pastor, Derek was consistently exposed to God’s word. At the age of 20, Derek says “my eyes were opened to the need for Jesus to be my Savior and Lord”. A lot has changed in my life over the past 18 years. Derek, his wonderful wife, and four children currently live in Glasgow, Kentucky. Derek served as an elder in his church in Massachusetts prior to making his recent move to Glasgow, KY. The Lord has given Derek an opportunity to work in the hunting industry with the great company Whitetail Properties. I look forward to what the Creator of this beautiful creation has in store for my family! Derek will be aiding in the counseling ministry of Without Excuse Ministries as people respond to the life changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! If you have a need and feel you would like personal counseling or advice via email please feel free to contact Derek at [email protected]
Tim Smith

Tim Smith is the Founder and Directorof On Target Outdoor Ministries where he pursues his two passions...making God’s love known and spending time in the outdoors. Through a series of events,he felt the call to become a pastor. Thus in 2005 he was ordained and in 2009 completed a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Along with serving 22 years in the US Air Force, he has served as Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor and Auxiliary Chaplain. Having been a life long hunter, fisherman and don’t forget storyteller, God has truly equipped him to lead an outdoor ministry. Tim also "Hunts on Purpose" as a preferred outfitter for "Mission".