Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5)
13 Part Series covering Matthew Chapter 5
Part 1In this message Paul will discuss the backdrop and overview of the Sermon on the Mount. He will also cover the the Beattitudes of "poor in spirit" and "those who morn".
Part 3In this message Paul will continue to work through the Beattitudes as taught by Jesus. He will cover those who are "merciful", "pure in heart", and the "peacemakers"
Part 5In this message Paul covers the topic of "Salt". Paul will tackle current battles the church faces today and discusses our effectiveness as Salt in our culture
Part 7In this message Paul will cover the topic of Jesus Christ being the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law. Paul will discuss man's righteousness versus God's righteousness.
Part 9In this message Paul will cover the topic of lust and adultery as taught by Jesus.
Part 11In this message Paul will cover the topic of taking an oath. Paul will describe early in the message the condition we face in our culture is simply because we do not let our "yes be yes" and our "no be no"
Part 13In this last message in Matthew Chapter 5 Paul will cover the topic of loving our neighbors. Paul will discuss four verbal commands Jesus gives us in response to hating our enemies.
Part 2In this message Paul will continue to work through the Beattitudes as taught by Jesus. He will cover "the meek" and those who "hunger and thirst for righteousness".
Part 4In this message Paul will cover Matthew 5:7-9 In these verses we see that for the believer Jesus made it clear that we will face times of tribulation and persecution for our faith.
No Notes for message 4. In these cases Paul preaches without notes as well.Part 6In the message Paul cover the topic of "light". Paul will discuss "Who is the Light", "What is the Light", and "What the Light does".
Part 8In this message Paul will cover the topic of murder and anger as taught by Jesus. We do not have to committ the physical act of murder in order to be guilty of it!
Part 10In this message Paul will cover the topic of divorce as taught by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. Paul will cover this tough topic using a "sum of God's word" approach (Psalm 119:160).
Part 12In this message Paul will cover the topic of vengance as taught by Jesus. Paul will teach four examples that Jesus used to teach non-vengance.