Sermon on the Mount (Chapter 7)
6 part series covering Matthew Chapter 7
Part 1In this message Paul handles the touch topic of judgement. He will cover 5 types of judgements we are not to make. As a believer we are to make judgements. How we judge is the important concept taught in this message.
Part 3In this message Paul will talk about the road that is less traveled. Jesus taught that we are to enter into the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. Paul will teach the less popular concept that the narrow way is hard!
Part 5In this message Paul will teach on the wise and foolish builder. Jesus taught that there were two types of men who built a house. One was a wise builder the other was a foolish builder. Jesus has taught for three chapters how will we use these teachings?
Part 2In this message Paul will cover the topic of persistence. Jesus us taught us to be persistent in our search for a deeper walk with Him. He teaches us to Ask, Seek, and Knock. When we do this we will learn the Biblical view of persistence.
Part 4In this message Paul will speak about the teachings of Jesus in reference to false prophets. Jesus stated that there are false prophets in the world. Both the Old and New testaments speak to this point. This message will cover the characteristics of a false prophet.
Part 6In this final message Paul will simply teach about the God man Jesus Christ. Paul will discuss the cultural view of Jesus today, and the not so popular Biblical view of Jesus. Paul wraps op this message with an analysis of Jesus "Liar, Lunatic, or Lord"? Jesus is Lord!