A multi-part series detailing Paul's letter to the church in Philippi
Part 1- A Single MindIn this message Pastor Anthony details Paul's encouraging letter to the church at Philippi. The overarching theme throughout this letter is Joy. Paul is able to demonstrate the joy that comes from being a believer in Christ even as he writes the letter from prison.
Part 3- A Secure MindIn this message Pastor Anthony details the concept of Paul's secure mind. Paul was able to be at peace with his past, present, and future circumstances. Listen to this powerful message and learn the power of a secure mind that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Part 2- A Subjected Mind (Audio Only)In this message Pastor Anthony details the subjected mind of the Apostle Paul. Paul's focus was on Christ and he was willing to be subjected to Christ's authority. Learn the benefits of a humble mind that is willing to submit to the Lordship of Christ!