Dwell Well by Jason Cruise
___________________________________________ The mind is a wild and fascinating creature unto itself. I am forever mesmerized by the truth that a man's mind holds within it the capacity for such greatness while equally being the breeding ground for so much depravity. I am fully convinced that life, and how we live it in relationship to God and one to another, is a battle that is found on the gridiron of the mind. Every man reading this today has won ... and lost ... many battles in the mind. Attitudes come and go. Bitterness can turn to forgiveness when the mind is given permission to do so. Lust is never more than a split second away as it patiently waits for chance to get in the game. Apathy, neglect, victory, humility, love, selfishness, and every other emotion, runs through the mind. I wish I had a playbook for how a man could go undefeated in every season of life when it comes to the mind. I do know this, however: a man's mind lives in the ebb and flow of how he chooses to dwell. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. - Philippians 4:8 Today, when you encounter victories of any sort, dwell on the power of praise to the God who showed you such grace. If you should experience failure, even of the smallest market, dwell there as well on the power of Jesus who paid the price for that victory, too.
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Jason CruiseJason Cruise is the founder of Mission. Mission was created to "vindicate the fatherless" in a country known as Moldova. To learn more go to www.themissionvision.net Jason is a well known speaker traveling across the country sharing his love for Christ at wildgame dinners and conferences. Jason has created many valuable resources for the outdoorsmen to take them deeper into their walk with their Creator. These items include DVD's, Bibles, and Bible studies. Archives
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