Few Things Last Forever by Jason Cruise There's a lot of good theology to be found in .38 Special's classic rock anthem of "Hold On Loosely." If you can't recall the song, and pity you my brother if you cannot, in the chorus we are wisely instructed to "Hold on loosely but don't let go. If you cling too tightly, you're gonna lose control." Jobs come and go. So do friends ... and even people you thought were friends. Money is made, and it's lost, and hopefully made again. People die, and sometimes those people are incredibly close to you. Life is full of insanely bitter defeats, and incredibly sweet victories. There's no way around it, so don't fear it. Do Not Fear It. God is the master genius of forming for us a journey where few things stay the same. You need to praise Him for that, for it creates an awesome sense of dependency for our independent selves. The great comfort in it all is that by His own words God tells us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
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Jason CruiseJason Cruise is the founder of Mission. Mission was created to "vindicate the fatherless" in a country known as Moldova. To learn more go to www.themissionvision.net Jason is a well known speaker traveling across the country sharing his love for Christ at wildgame dinners and conferences. Jason has created many valuable resources for the outdoorsmen to take them deeper into their walk with their Creator. These items include DVD's, Bibles, and Bible studies. Archives
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